The story behind the name comes with great happiness and heart break, but an angel looking down on me. My papa, Sammy Keepers, was my absolute world. He was my best friend growing up but also the one person that completely spoiled me rotton. Papa took on a father figure role while I was growing up which made our bond even closer than a normal grandpa/grand daughter duo. We did everything together, and when I say everything..... I mean everything. He was my biggest cheerleader with everything I ever set my mind to accomplish. 

In 2005, my grandfather got diagnoised with Alzheimer's disease. I physically couldnt wrap my head around why God was making my papa sick at such a young age he was. The person who did absolutely everything for everybody. The person with the biggest heart who would give you his last dollar. The person that made everybody feel so speical just by simply having a conversation with him. Why was God punishing my family? Why was God punshing me? Why was God punshing my papa? 

For a long time those questions were never answered and I was upset with God. Every single day I had to go through the heart break of my best friend not knowing who I was anymore. Having patience with him everyday when he didnt know how to walk, talk and eat. The most simple things in life we take for granted every single day. 

Now here we are, in 2021, my papa is no longer with us. We are coming up on 7 years of him being gone. Even though I am still in pain 7 years later, I know he is having the time of his life in Heaven watching me and my life unfold front row.

Dear Sammy came into my head while I was eating tacos at my favorite resturant in ATL and sipping on a nice frozen margarita! The name is simply telling him the story about my life since he has been gone. The beginning of the book he was never able to see or read today. I hope you are proud of me papa. Everything I do, I do for you.



Dear Sammy,